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Peel Brow School

Happy, Challenged, Successful and Proud


Fir Street, Ramsbottom, Bury, Lancashire, BL0 0BJ

01706 823204


Extra-Curricular Clubs

At Peel Brow, we offer a range of before and after school clubs. Some of the clubs are run by staff or our specialist PE coach and some are run by external providers. Extra-curricular activities are important to allow pupils to develop and excel in wider areas of the curriculum.

Most clubs are run over a half term and a targeted at specific year group or Key Stage. All our clubs are free for children to attend.

Pupils who take part in clubs, out of school, are recognised and their achievements are shared and celebrated in assemblies.

Arts and Crafts clubs

We are very lucky to have our artist in residence, Liz Trayford, run art club on a Wednesday afternoon. A wide range of art techniques, styles and mediums are taught and pupils are introduced to the possibilities of what art can be. During the sessions, pupils learn about famous artists and how art can be used for wellbeing, fun and creative freedom. We also offer craft club which includes sewing, collage and card making.


A range of sports clubs are available to pupils every night after school These sporting activities change on a half-termly basis. Pupils can sign up for sports clubs throughout the year, such as netball, cross country, basketball, jag tag and football.