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Peel Brow School

Happy, Challenged, Successful and Proud


Fir Street, Ramsbottom, Bury, Lancashire, BL0 0BJ

01706 823204



Parents, carers and families are very important to us here at Peel Brow. We maintain an ‘open door’ policy where parents and carers are welcomed into the school. We continue to look for ways to forge stronger and more positive links.

Sharing special events, times and activities with parents and welcoming you to join your child in learning is a key feature of our school. Each term we intend to hold an ‘open session’ where parents and carers are invited into school to work alongside their children.

If you have any further suggestions on how we can further support links between home and school, please do not hesitate to let us know.

Parent View

In 2011 Ofsted launched ‘Parent View’- a link on their website which allows parents to give their own views on how well they believe the achool is performing. If you would like to access this facility and submit your opinion of Peel Brow School, you will be directed to the Ofsted website by clicking the link below: 

Any specific concerns or issues you may have can be addressed by contacting the school directly. Any member of SLT will always try to resolve matters to the mutual benefit of all parties.