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Peel Brow School

Happy, Challenged, Successful and Proud


Fir Street, Ramsbottom, Bury, Lancashire, BL0 0BJ

01706 823204


Peel Brow PA

The Parents Association (PA) holds fund raising and social events for the benefit of the children at our school. The PA is a a meeting of volunteers is held regularly to plan events and decide how to spend the proceeds.       


A Helping Hand

There are also lots of ways of getting involved, even if you don't want to be on the committee. The events we organise are limited by the number of volunteers we have - the more, the better!

It would be great to know how you can help us to deliver more for the school. We would love to hear from you and find out how you can help.
Do you have a specific skill (gardening, IT, cooking, etc)? Would you be happy to help out at events?
Would you give up some time/expertise to help us plan events?
Do you have access to items that we can use for raffle prizes or grotto gifts?
Do you work for a company that might consider gifting something to the school or sponsoring an event?
Do you have access to suppliers that can help us secure favourable rates on things used in events (food, drink, printing, marquees, etc)?

Please email school and we'll be in touch soon.

Recent Projects

In recent years funds have been provided for new guided reading books, playground markings, sports/PE equipment and outside play equipment/benches. This year we are having a brand-new sound system and speakers installed in the hall thanks to the hard work of our PA.