Religious Education
Our RE lead is Mrs O'Donnell
Religious Education is the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of a child.
It promotes respect and open-mindedness towards others with different faiths and beliefs and encourages pupils to develop their sense of identity and belonging through self-awareness and reflection. The principal aim of RE is to engage pupils in an enquiry approach where they can develop an understanding and appreciation for the expression of beliefs, cultural practices and influence of principal religions and worldviews in the local, national and wider global community. Here at Peel Brow, children will develop a deep and broad understanding of key concepts, facts and beliefs of/about key faiths including Christianity, Islam and Judaism with focused units of study on Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism and Humanism.
We want to ensure that our children develop a good understanding of a variety of religions which they will encounter in their daily lives our wider locality of Greater Manchester.
We have created our own scheme of work based on the religious representation our school. Our children will:
- Learn about personal identity, cultural diversity and community cohesion.
- Learn about the community within which the school is located and forge links with groups in the local area.
- Learn about the UK community, the diversity of religion and its influence on national life.
- Learn about the global community, the diversity of religion and its impact on world issues.
- Have a sense of self through answering challenging questions and discussing own beliefs.
The 3 strands of our curriculum are:
- Theology of religion
- Understanding religion from a human perspective
- Understanding religion from a personal perspective.
Each year group will focus on a unit of work about Christianity, Islam and Judaism. Year 3 there will be a supplementary unit on Hinduism, Year 4 will focus on Sikhism, Year 5 Buddhism and Year 6 will complete a unit of learning on Humanism.
In the last term of each year children will find similarities and differences in themes between the religions studied, eg., the use of light, how individuals pray, when Holy books and papers were collated and recorded. They will respond personally to philosophical questions such as: Can something be good and bad? In addition to this, children will investigate two famous historical figures using the Little People Big Dreams titles and find out more about how their religion had an impact on their life choices and direction.
- A meaningful PSHE curriculum supports children in becoming happier, being positive about school life as a whole, having a better understanding of rules and responsibilities and being enabled to handle setbacks and disagreements.
- Pupils at Peel Brow recognise and understand the school values and fundamental British values. By the time pupils leave Peel Brow, they are well-educated in world religions and prepared for 21stcentury life. They are aware of their own beliefs and have a wider knowledge of the beliefs of new people they will meet. They show tolerance and acceptance when confronted with opposing religious ideas and understand how this mirrors national life.
- Through discussion and teaching, children have had opportunities to consider what is important to themselves and seek inspiration from influential historical figures.
- Our children have a safe space in which to discuss their feelings, opinions and develop their emotional intelligence. They also demonstrate a healthy outlook towards school and demonstrate positive behaviour because they understand that they have a responsibility for their own actions and how they affect others.
Please see below for our RE curriculum.