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Peel Brow School

Happy, Challenged, Successful and Proud


Fir Street, Ramsbottom, Bury, Lancashire, BL0 0BJ

01706 823204



Attendance at school is the key to educational success. We have set ourselves a target of above 96% attendance for this year. Please see below for key information regarding attendance at Peel Brow.

The start of the day

As a reminder, school starts at 8.30am prompt. All teachers plan an early morning challenge which all children should access as soon as they enter the school building. Arriving for school late can hinder a child settling into school and learning and impact them for the rest of the day. The school day finishes at 3pm.


By law, we must complete the register for all classes. The register is taken at 8.45am, any arrival after this will be classed as late. Any arrival after 9.15am is classed as an unauthorised absence. If you know that you will be late, due to unforeseen circumstances, such as traffic, please let the school know as soon as possible.

Attendance procedures

We follow the attendance procedures set out by Vision Multi-Academy Trust which provide consistency for attendance at all of our schools.

When your child’s attendance drops below 94% we ae concerned and will reach out to support you to increase your child’s attendance at school. We know that sometimes circumstances can affect your child’s attendance and we will met with you to discuss what these might be and how we can support you. Some support we might put in place would be increased pastoral support, providing breakfast and/or supporting you with pick up and drop off.

If your child’s attendance continues to drop and falls below 90% this is a case for concern and will impact hugely on your child’s learning and progress. At this point, your child’s attendance is significantly below the expected level A meeting will be set up and a plan put together to increase your child’s attendance.

Should your child’s attendance drop below 90%, they are classed as persistently absent and an attendance contract will be set up to urgently increase attendance. This contract will be monitored under our safeguarding procedures.


 Peel Brow Attendance.pdfDownload
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If you know that your child is going to be absent for the day as they are unwell enough to come to school, please let the school office know as soon as possible. The school office is manned from 8.15am to receive phone calls and pick up emails. If you do not let us know and we are unable to contact you the absence will be recorded as unauthorised.

Medical Appointments

As much as possible, we encourage you to make appointments for your child outside of school hours. However, we know that sometimes, this is unavoidable. If your child has an appointment during school hours, please let the school know with proof of the appointment.


Holidays during term time will not be authorised. Extenuating circumstances will be considered but holidays will not. In line with Vision Multi-Academy Trust procedures, fines will be issued for holidays that are taken during term time.


We are keen to work with families to maintain and improve attendance at school. If you need anything at all to support your child’s attendance, please do not hesitate to ask.