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Peel Brow School

Happy, Challenged, Successful and Proud


Fir Street, Ramsbottom, Bury, Lancashire, BL0 0BJ

01706 823204


School Uniform Information

At Peel Brow we want our children to feel they belong and have a real sense of pride in our school. Wearing a uniform goes a long way to help prepare children for the school day and supports their positive participation in the life of the school. Our uniform is an outward sign of the schools’ identity within the neighbourhood. Children wearing uniform will represent our school at all times.

The school uniform is as follows:

  • Shoes: Black school shoes (not trainers)
  • Trousers: Black or grey school trousers (not joggers or leggings)
  • Shirts: Plain white polo shirts
  • Jumper/cardigan: Navy blue
  • Shorts (during summer months): School shorts, black or grey.
  • Skirts: Grey or black cotton school skirts.
  • Tights and socks should be grey or black.
  • Dresses: Summer, blue gingham dress.
  • No jewelery other than studs or small sleeper earrings may be worn in school at any time (studs or sleepers must be taped over for any physical activity).
  • No nail varnish or make-up may be worn.
  • PE kit: plain white t-shirt, plain black shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms. Black pumps or trainers. 


If you are eligible for Pupil Premium, and wish to use your allowance towards uniform, please contact the school office.

We also have a pre-loved selection of uniform at the front of school which is free for anyone to take. It is updated with a range of sizes frequently and includes coats and shoes. Please check to see if it has the uniform you need.

We know that school jumpers with the logo can be expensive so we have iron on school badges which can be added to plain navy blue jumpers if you wish. Please speak to the office if you would like to purchase an iron on school logo for £2.